CH-PHARM - Issues

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Id Issue Status Priority Type Date Assigned To Label
26 effectiveTime with Timezone Closed Normal Change Request 2021-06-08 13:59:09 Quentin Ligier
Change Request effectiveTime with Timezone
Id chdachpharm-issue-26
Status Closed
Priority Normal
Last Tracking 2021-06-08 13:59:09  by  Annatina Foppa
Current Assignee Quentin Ligier
Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module (chdachpharm-template-entry-34)
Template 2.16.756. (2019-12-11 11:31:52) Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module
Status Draft
Tracking Closed 2021-06-08 13:59:09 : Tracking by Annatina Foppa
Time zones have been changed whereever possible. There are a few cases where it couldn't be introduced (see notes below) but this won't have an impact on conversion which was at the root of this issue. Ticket closed
Tracking In Progress 2021-04-08 16:44:23 : Tracking by Quentin Ligier
Thanks Annatina.

2.16.756. DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency
EIVL_TS and SXPR_TS do not contain dates (as far as I can see), so it's not needed.

2.16.756. DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange
Same remark about EIVL_TS. IHECommunityPrescriptionContentModule
My guess is that you can't modify an IHE template; a custom one should be introduced (in the same way 
MTPReferenceEntryContentModule [2.16.756.] is a specialization of IHEMTPReferenceEntryContentModule [], by example).

2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.113 CDAcomponentOf
I'd say yes only if we have a use-case for componentOf (I'm not quite sure we do). If so, I think it should be specialized by a custom template too.

2.16.756. PrescriptionItemEntryContentModule
That's one of the issues I've not reported yet, the author is badly defined and missing a lot of content here (and in other templates as well). I'm not sure it's worth fixing the date type before fixing the whole author.
Assignment 2021-04-08 16:04:08 : Assigned To Quentin Ligier by Annatina Foppa
Tracking In Progress 2021-04-08 16:03:30 : Tracking by Annatina Foppa
I have changed these time zones and checked on other time datatypes as well. please find my findings below. Quentin, can you have a look at it and response to the questions:

- most Time datatypes are already set to TS.CH.TZ

2.16.756. DosageInstructionsStartStopFrequency
- EIVL_TS : precision to EIVL_TS.CH.TZ was not an option >> should this datatype be added?
- SXPR_TS : presicsion to SXPR_TS.CH.TZ was not an option  >> should this datatype be added?
- changed all other TS datatypes to TS.CH.TZ

2.16.756. DosageInstructionsEntryDosageChange
- EIVL_TS : precision to EIVL_TS.CH.TZ was not an option >> see above, should this datatype be added?
- no other Time datatypes IHECommunityPrescriptionContentModule
- could not change Time dataypes due to error messagage: "Template id SHALL have matching second level element templateId @root when context id='**'. For mode 'new' and 'adapt' there SHALL be at least 1 letter [A-Z-a-z] to indicate that this id needs to be replaced with the actual id after saving." >> do you see why?

2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.113 CDAcomponentOf
- didn't change TS to TS.CH.TZ >> should we do it here as well? (for hl7:encompassingEncounter and hl7:encounterParticipant) ... I ask because the template goes back to "CDA R2 Standard - Templates" which cannot be changed by us. Appears in all eMed Documents

2.16.756. ManufacturedMaterialEntryContentModule
- changed TS of pharm:expirationTime to TS.CH.TZ

2.16.756. PrescriptionItemEntryContentModule
- no time datatype is indicated for hl7:author; hl7:time; but cannot be added >> should we?

2.16.756. HeaderTemplateCompilationMedicationPrescriptionDocument
- changed hl7:documentationOf from TS to TS.CH.TZ IHERenewalPeriodContentModule
- changed all TS to TS.CH.TZ
Tracking Open 2021-04-06 18:28:55 : Tracking by Quentin Ligier
Stéphane has contacted Keith Boone about this, his response is that the format  YYYY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS[.S[S[S[S]]]]]]]]][+/-ZZZZ] (HL7 DTM) is allowed by PCC.
The TS entries can therefore be changed to TS.CH.TZ.
Assignment 2021-03-17 10:09:52 : Assigned To Annatina Foppa by Annatina Foppa
discussion (17.3):
> PCC requires HL7 DTM format, but don't include Timezones -> inconsistency within PCC
> Stéphane will inquire on this with PCC (Quentin sends him the issue)
Tracking Open 2021-03-12 10:48:54 : Tracking by Oliver Egger

Currently effectiveTime.low and high are specified as TS and not enforcing the Timezone. This gives problems when converting/mapping. For CDA-CH TS.CH.TZ
was defined as a restriction for TS datatypes that the timezone is included.


Change all TS entries like in effectiveTime to TS.CH.TZ.

Further explanation:

see example in

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