CH-PHARM - Issues

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Id Issue Status Priority Type Date Assigned To Label
57 Product code Closed Normal Change Request 2022-02-24 08:10:56
Change Request Product code
Id chdachpharm-issue-57
Status Closed
Priority Normal
Last Tracking 2022-02-24 08:10:56  by  Patrick Jolo
Manufactured Material Entry Content Module (chdachpharm-template-entry-33)
Template 2.16.756. (2019-12-11 11:34:24) Manufactured Material Entry Content Module
Status Draft
Tracking Closed 2022-02-24 08:10:56 : Tracking by Patrick Jolo
Reviewed and closed
Tracking Feedback needed 2022-02-23 17:11:27 : Tracking by Quentin Ligier
The template has been adapted, an example has been added.
Tracking Open 2022-02-10 09:59:20 : Tracking by Quentin Ligier
The IPAG report says:
GTIN Wichtig für CH-Präparate
ATC-Code nach WHO Wichtig für nicht CH-Präparate
Tracking Open 2022-02-01 18:10:36 : Tracking by Quentin Ligier

The product code (as well as the package code) is a GTIN, thus preventing the coding of active ingredients (e.g. paracetamol instead of DAFALGAN cpr 500 mg), drugs unavailable in Switzerland imported legally by pharmacies or patients (e.g. Colchicine has no GTIN but is included in guidelines from the Schweizerische Gesellshaft für Rheumatologie; prescription from a foreign physician documented in the medication plan by a swiss clinician) or magistral preparation.

Consequences for adoption and quality of care are likely, if the exchange format is constraining the ability of a clinician to document accurate information based on the situation.


1.     Template Manufactured Material Entry Content Module : allow an ATC or a GTIN as product code. The description is updated to recommend using the GTIN code and to require it if it’s known in the case of a dispense. The packaging code remains the GTIN.

2.     This change is probably definitive, we don’t foresee any reason to change it again in the future.

Drafted by HUG and CARA with the help of specialists from Pharma24 and imad

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