epSOS - Issues

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Id Issue Status Priority Type Date Assigned To Label
235 hl7:assignedPerson contains twice the element hl7:name In Progress Normal Change Request 2017-10-31 18:09:56 Christof Gessner
Change Request hl7:assignedPerson contains twice the element hl7:name
Id epsos-issue-235
Status In Progress
Priority Normal
Last Tracking 2017-10-31 18:09:56  by  Dr. Kai U. Heitmann
Current Assignee Christof Gessner
epSOS CDA legalAuthenticator (epsos-template-109)
Template 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.11.10.109 (2013-12-20) epSOS CDA legalAuthenticator
Status Draft
Tracking In Progress 2017-10-31 18:09:56 : Tracking by Dr. Kai U. Heitmann
The hl7:assignedPerson has a containment and and "overriding" inline definition. This is illegal. It should be either one.
For the hl7:representedOrganization our recommendation is to name the representedOrganization element and the include the template (rather than contain).
The same should be done for hl7:assignedPerson if appropriate.
Tracking Open 2017-10-31 16:22:06 : Tracking by Giorgio Cangioli
Included attributes and elements are explicitly specified by the template: is the containment actually needed here ?
Assignment 2017-10-31 15:59:27 : Assigned To Christof Gessner by Mathias Ghys
Tracking Open 2017-10-31 15:59:26 : Tracking by Mathias Ghys

- hl7:assignedPerson contains 2 hl7:name elements. First one as a direct element, and another from the 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.11.10.113 CDA Person which it includes. This gives the following excaption in the Gazelle validation tool: 
Test : CDATEMP002(Validation Level : FLATTEN_4 , Type : FATALERROR) 
Location : //rules/template[1]/element[1]/element[15]/element[3]/element[4]/element[1] 
CDALocation : /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId/@root='']/hl7:legalAuthenticator/hl7:assignedEntity/hl7:assignedPerson/hl7:name 
Description : An element SHALL have be distinguishable [CDATEMP-002] 


- Remove one element.

Further explanation:


Preview Code HTML color Display Name Description
TBA TBA To be approved
To be discussed and approved
M1 M1 Milestone 1
Milestone 1 – before the EXPAND-athon 9-12 December 2015 Lisbon
M2 M2 Milestone 2
Milestone 2 – final results to be delived at the end of EXPAND
M3 M3 Milestone 3
Milestone 3 – end of the HL7 International Project
M4 M4 Milestone 4
Milestone 4 – for consideration in the future / desiderata
WJ WJ Changes Word/JIRA
Changes in the Word Specification/Open a JIRA issue
TID TID Template ID
Template-ID changes throughout the specification