epSOS - Issues

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Id Issue Status Priority Type Date Assigned To Label
244 Fixed value for nullFlavor is inconsistent with description and former EXPAND documentation Closed Normal Change Request 2017-12-06 10:43:08 Mathias Ghys
Change Request Fixed value for nullFlavor is inconsistent with description and former EXPAND documentation
Id epsos-issue-244
Status Closed
Priority Normal
Last Tracking 2017-12-06 10:43:08  by  Mathias Ghys
Current Assignee Mathias Ghys
epSOS CDA Organization (epsos-template-111)
Template 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.11.10.111 (2013-12-20) epSOS CDA Organization
Status Draft
Tracking Closed 2017-12-06 10:43:08 : Tracking by Mathias Ghys
  • Conformance of Organisation changed from 1 ... 1 M to 1 ... 1 R
  • nullFlavor fixed value for telecom element changed from 'UNK' to 'NI'

Tracking Open 2017-12-05 16:09:08 : Tracking by Dr. Kai U. Heitmann
In addition, addr in Organisation is 1..1 M so it cannot be nullFlavored (as stated and explained in the description).

Solution: Set it to 1..1 R
Assignment 2017-12-05 15:12:02 : Assigned To Mathias Ghys by Mathias Ghys
Tracking Open 2017-12-05 15:12:01 : Tracking by Mathias Ghys

In Gazelle we see the following validation rule:
/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId/@root='']/hl7:author/hl7:assignedAuthor/hl7:representedOrganization/hl7:telecom, the attribute nullFlavor SHALL have the value 'UNK'
This is not consistent with the description of the element and the EXPAND documentation, neither with the CDA specs


-Change the fixed value for the nullFlavor from 'UNK' to 'NI' in the case of a nullFlavor.

Further explanation:


Preview Code HTML color Display Name Description
TBA TBA To be approved
To be discussed and approved
M1 M1 Milestone 1
Milestone 1 – before the EXPAND-athon 9-12 December 2015 Lisbon
M2 M2 Milestone 2
Milestone 2 – final results to be delived at the end of EXPAND
M3 M3 Milestone 3
Milestone 3 – end of the HL7 International Project
M4 M4 Milestone 4
Milestone 4 – for consideration in the future / desiderata
WJ WJ Changes Word/JIRA
Changes in the Word Specification/Open a JIRA issue
TID TID Template ID
Template-ID changes throughout the specification