Data Set CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269 - Concept Patient’s Address Book

ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.13.1.2Version Label: Live VersionConcepts: 14 (Groups: 6 - Items: 8)

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Name ID[‑] Datatype[‑] Property[‑] Example[‑] Codes[‑] Description[‑] Source[‑] Rationale[‑] Operationalizations[‑] Comment[‑] Status[‑] Terminology[‑] Value Set[‑] Type[‑] Parent concept[‑] Inherit from[‑]
Patient’s Address Book hl7ips-dataelement-154 People and organizations address details relevant for the planned and unplanned care.
Considered to be generic to the English language and not specific to this standard.
Notes: A list relating to people or organisations details who might need to be contacted for this care event; it is not to do with previous care events involving this patient. These entities can be considered as providers (person or organisation) who are wholly or partially responsible for the safety and well-being of the subject of care.
CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269:2018 Health informatics — The Patient Summary for Unscheduled Cross-border Care This IPS Attribute Collection provides an Address Book resource detailing the address details of the patient, and people and organisations relevant to the patient with respect to the IPS.
      Preferred Healthcare providers hl7ips-dataelement-163 If known, this information shall be provided. Note it is not necessarily the case that Preferred Healthcare Provider is the same party as the source of the patient summary; the latter is given by the Provenance meta data. ‘Preferred’ indicates the most relevant entity to be contacted for use in this patient summary. CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269:2018 Health informatics — The Patient Summary for Unscheduled Cross-border Care
          Group Patient’s Address Book
          Healthcare Provider (person) (HP, HCP) hl7ips-dataelement-165
              Group Preferred Healthcare providers
              Name hl7ips-dataelement-121 Collection of data It requires family and given name components.
                  Item Healthcare Provider (person)
                  Telecoms hl7ips-dataelement-169 Collection of data
                      Item Healthcare Provider (person)
                      Healthcare Provider (organisation) hl7ips-dataelement-166
                          Group Preferred Healthcare providers
                          Organisation’s Name hl7ips-dataelement-172 String
                              Item Healthcare Provider (organisation)
                              Telecoms hl7ips-dataelement-174 Collection of data
                                  Item Healthcare Provider (organisation) hl7ips-dataelement-169
                                  Other's Contacts’ Details hl7ips-dataelement-164 The urgency of the scenario suggests that the contact details will be minimised to the most likely means of getting in touch. The role distinguishes between individuals (and organisations) by means of their function with respect to the patient’s care to enable the relevant person to be contacted by the healthcare provider at the point of care. The role can be both functional (e.g. doctor) and a specialisation (e.g. specialist). CEN/TC 251 prEN 17269:2018 Health informatics — The Patient Summary for Unscheduled Cross-border Care
                                      Group Patient’s Address Book
                                      Contact hl7ips-dataelement-167
                                          Group Other's Contacts’ Details
                                          Role hl7ips-dataelement-175 Code
                                              Item Contact
                                              Name hl7ips-dataelement-157 Collection of data It requires family and given name components.
                                                  Item Contact hl7ips-dataelement-121
                                                  Address hl7ips-dataelement-120 Collection of data Address
                                                      Item Contact
                                                      Telecoms hl7ips-dataelement-122 Collection of data
                                                          Item Contact hl7ips-dataelement-169