Data Set epSOS Data Set - Concept Number of units per intake

ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.11.1.1Version Label: Live VersionConcepts: 1 (Groups: 0 - Items: 1)

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Name ID[‑] Datatype[‑] Property[‑] Example[‑] Codes[‑] Description[‑] Source[‑] Rationale[‑] Operationalizations[‑] Comment[‑] Status[‑] Terminology[‑] Value Set[‑] Type[‑] Parent concept[‑] Inherit from[‑]
Number of units per intake epsos-dataelement-107 Quantity 1 tablet The number of units per intake that the patient is taking (e.g. 1 tablet)
  • Posology has been defined from the functional point of view as containing these three components: number of units per intake, frequency of intakes and duration of treatment:(example: 1 unit/intake every 24 hours for a duration of 14 days. There has to be space for posology in free text with the possibility of a null flavor