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Template Narrative Text Reference With Content 2021‑06‑08 15:50:58

Effective Date2021‑06‑08 15:50:58
Statusdraft DraftVersion Label2021
NameNarrativeTextReferenceWithContentDisplay NameNarrative Text Reference With Content
Reusable template wherever a text content is included and a text reference is used in a CDA-CH V2 document (only CDA-CH-EMED at first). CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
Open/ClosedOpen (other than defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 1 transaction and 12 templates, Uses 0 templates
Used by as NameVersion
2.16.756. (de-CH) Meldepflichtiger Laborbefund2016‑05‑01 IHE Patient Medication Instructions (2014)2019‑10‑16 16:01:48 Fulfillment Instructions (2020)2019‑10‑16 16:01:48
2.16.756. Medication Treatment Plan Item Entry Content Module (2021)2019‑12‑11 11:31:52
2.16.756. Dosage Intake Mode Entry Content Module (2017)2016‑09‑13 16:06:07
2.16.756. Treatment Reason Entry Content Module (2017)2016‑06‑13
2.16.756. Dispense Item Entry Content Module (2021)2016‑06‑17
2.16.756. Prescription Item Entry Content Module (2021)2019‑09‑11 17:05:49
2.16.756. Dosage Instructions Non Structured Entry Content Module (2017)2016‑09‑13 15:33:18
2.16.756. Pharmaceutical Advice Concern Entry Content Module (2017)2016‑01‑11 11:13:04
2.16.756. Annotation Comments (2016)2021‑06‑10 11:32:29
2.16.756. Meldepflichtiger Laborbefund2016‑05‑01
2.16.756. Laborbefund Transplantationsprozesss2016‑07‑02
Valid example (text before reference)
The narrative text before the reference.
  <reference value="#nartext1"/></text>
Valid example (text after reference)
  <reference value="#nartext1"/>  
The narrative text after the reference.
Example (invalid)
Invalid example
The narrative text before the reference.
  <reference value="#nartext1"/>  
The narrative text after the reference.
ED1 … 1RIt shall contain both the narrative text content and a reference to the human readable part of the item. This human readable part may contain a simple text to redirect the reader to the PDF document (e.g. "See PDF version included").
There shall be a single non-blank text node (i.e. the text shall be completely before or after the reference, see examples). The text shall be raw (i.e. no markup shall be used).
TEL1 … 1MThe reference to the corresponding text in the human readable part must be specified by reference to content[@ID]: reference[@value='#xxx']
st1 … 1R
Reference to the narrative part of the section in the format '#xxx', where xxx is the ID of the corresponding element.
 Schematron assertrolered error 
 MessageThe @value attribute content MUST conform to the format '#xxx', where xxx is the ID of the corresponding element. 
 Variable letNameidvalue 
 Schematron assertrolered error 
 MessageNo narrative text found for this reference (no content element within this document has an ID that corresponds to '<value-of select="$idvalue"/>'). 
 Variable letNametextBefore 
 Variable letNametextAfter 
 Schematron assertrolered error 
 test(not($textBefore) and $textAfter) or ($textBefore and not($textAfter)) 
 MessageThe text content shall be included before or after the reference.