1. Section
     Active Problems Section - coded (2.16.756.
    1. Entry
       Problem Concern Entry (2.16.756.
      1. notype
         Author Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom (2.16.756.
        1. notype
           Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (2.16.756.
        2. notype
           Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 (2.16.756.
        3. notype
           Device Compilation with name (2.16.756.
        4. notype
           Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom (2.16.756.
          1. notype
             Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (2.16.756.
      2. Entry
         Problem Entry (2.16.756.
        1. notype
           Narrative Text Reference (2.16.756.
        2. notype
           Original Text Reference (2.16.756.
        3. notype
           Author Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom (2.16.756.
          1. notype
             Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (2.16.756.
          2. notype
             Person Name Information Compilation - eCH-0011 (2.16.756.
          3. notype
             Device Compilation with name (2.16.756.
          4. notype
             Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom (2.16.756.
            1. notype
               Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (2.16.756.