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Id Issue Status Priority Type Date Assigned To Label
233 Value Set differs from original normative CDA Spec Open Normal Request for Information/Education 2017-10-30 13:56:47 Dr. Kai U. Heitmann
Request for Information/Education Value Set differs from original normative CDA Spec
Id epsos-issue-233
Status Open
Priority Normal
Last Tracking 2017-10-30 13:56:47  by  Christof Gessner
Current Assignee Dr. Kai U. Heitmann
Tracking Open 2017-10-30 13:56:47 : Tracking by Christof Gessner
sorry. The referenced value set is  2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10901. And apparently it contains concepts that were not present in the original CDA vocabulary.

The base standards validation complains:
Test :  CDATEMP019(Validation Level : FLATTEN_VOCAB , Type : FATALERROR) 
Location :  //rules/template[14]/element[1]/element[18]/attribute[1] 
CDALocation :  /hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId/@root='']/hl7:participant/@typeCode 
Description :  When a valueset is specified, and the referenced attribute is an enumeration, the content of the valueset SHALL be a restriction of the referenced attribute [CDATEMP-019] 
Tracking Open 2017-10-30 12:04:54 : Tracking by Dr. Kai U. Heitmann
2.16.840.1.113883.5.90 is a code system. What is the difference? If relevant we must add a static binding to the "historic" version of the value set.
Assignment 2017-10-29 12:18:31 : Assigned To Dr. Kai U. Heitmann by Christof Gessner
Tracking Open 2017-10-29 12:18:30 : Tracking by Christof Gessner

- Value Set 2.16.840.1.113883.5.90 differs from that in the original normative CDA Spec 


- Add explanatory text?

Further explanation:


Preview Code HTML color Display Name Description
TBA TBA To be approved
To be discussed and approved
M1 M1 Milestone 1
Milestone 1 – before the EXPAND-athon 9-12 December 2015 Lisbon
M2 M2 Milestone 2
Milestone 2 – final results to be delived at the end of EXPAND
M3 M3 Milestone 3
Milestone 3 – end of the HL7 International Project
M4 M4 Milestone 4
Milestone 4 – for consideration in the future / desiderata
WJ WJ Changes Word/JIRA
Changes in the Word Specification/Open a JIRA issue
TID TID Template ID
Template-ID changes throughout the specification