ELGA Sandbox - Project Information

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ELGA Sandbox
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Properties Prefix: elgasandbox- Default language: Deutsch (de-DE) Contains reusable content?The contents of this 'project' are considered suitable for re-use by other projects when this setting is active. Is private?The project is not listed in the menus and ignored in searches when this setting is active. This useful for projects in incubation fase. You may still work in the project based on direct URLs Experimental/Test?Project is experimental or meant to test things rather than aimed at production use Notifier: Determines the project global issue notifier setting (on/off - default is 'on'). Note: changes to this setting are immediately saved.
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Project Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.99.61.19
Project Last modified 2023-11-30 08:07:50
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ad1bbr- DECOR
at-cda-bbr- DECOR
elgabbr- DECOR
hl7ips- DECOR
ch-pcc- DECOR
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Contributor Type Logo Copyright years
HL7 Austria
Author 2015
Name Email Subscribe to all issuesEvery author is notified by default for events on issues where he is the author or from the moment he is assigned to an issue. If you would like to keep track of all issue updates, set this to 'on'
Dr. Stefan Sabutsch Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Oliver Kuttin Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
dr Kai Heitmann Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Silvia Winkler Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Sonja Leder Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Andrea Klostermann Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Nikolaus Krondraf Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Matthias Frohner Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Nina Sjencic Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Stephan Rainer-Sablatnig Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Nikola Tanjga Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Gabriel Kleinoscheg Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Emmanuel Helm Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Annatina Foppa Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Versions / Releases
Date By Description Status Publication
2020-10-04 07:59:32 Nikola Tanjga Release: 2020.1
Dies ist ein Test zu den Versionen / Releases. Es gibt einige Änderungen die ich hier im Testprojekt nicht nachvollziehen kann.
2019-11-12 09:45:53 Andrea Klostermann
There have been changes to the following issue since the last intermediate version or release.
  • Issue 1 "Struktur der Laboranalysen unvollständig" with status "Offen". Letzte Ereignis (2018-06-22T15:04:48):
    Die Struktur von Laborwerten muss der Struktur der ELGA Laborbefunde angeglichen werden, zumindest in einer vereinfachten Form.
    LOINC, Analysebezeichnung, Wert, Einheit, Bewertung, Messzeitpunkt, 
    Sinnvoll ist eine Referenz auf den Auftrag
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