MII Core Data Set - Project Information

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Informationsmodell des  Kerndatensatzes der Medizininformatik-Initiative , deren Elemente im Zuge der Aufbau- und Vernetzungsphase konsortienübergreifend für Audit-Abfragen vorgehalten werden sollen.
Properties Prefix: mide- Default language: Deutsch (de-DE) Contains reusable content?The contents of this 'project' are considered suitable for re-use by other projects when this setting is active. Is private?The project is not listed in the menus and ignored in searches when this setting is active. This useful for projects in incubation fase. You may still work in the project based on direct URLs Experimental/Test?Project is experimental or meant to test things rather than aimed at production use Notifier: Determines the project global issue notifier setting (on/off - default is 'on'). Note: changes to this setting are immediately saved.
Publication location
Project overview Project Index
Project Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.24
Project Last modified 2024-04-12 16:37:43
Repository reference
Prefix URL Format
ad3bbr- DECOR
hl7ips- DECOR
aktin- DECOR
ihede- DECOR
psr- DECOR
ccda- DECOR
pmp- DECOR
elgabbr- DECOR
ad5bbr- DECOR
mpplus- HL7 FHIR
ad1bbr- DECOR
ad2bbr- DECOR
hl7de- DECOR
ccd1- DECOR
RESTful Service
Purpose URL Format
FHIR 3.0
FHIR 4.0
Contributor Type Logo Copyright years
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Contributor 2019-2020
Contributor 2019-2020
Konsortium DIFUTURE
Author 2019-2020
Konsortium HiGHmed
Author 2019-2020
Konsortium MIRACUM
Author 2019-2020
Konsortium SMITH
Author 2019-2020
Name Email Subscribe to all issuesEvery author is notified by default for events on issues where he is the author or from the moment he is assigned to an issue. If you would like to keep track of all issue updates, set this to 'on'
Administrator Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Kutaiba Saleh Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Danny Ammon Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Henner Kruse Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Andreas Henkel Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Andreas Duerschmid Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Andrew Heidel Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Claudia Fischer Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Christian Fabeck Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Dagmar Büschges Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Danny Wenders Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Ellen Gerle Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Eric Thomas Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Frank Meineke Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Irina Lutz Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Kais Tahar Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Lo An Phan-Vogtmann Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Matthias Löbe Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Salima Houta Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Silke Haferkamp Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Thies Telkamp Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Thomas Wendt Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Susanne Müller Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Florian Rissner Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Samira Zeynalova Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Oya Deniz Beyan Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Sebastian Stäubert Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Toralf Kirsten Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Nils Dittberner Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Patrick Jürs Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Frank Taute Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Sylvia Thun Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Ulrich Sax Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Thomas Ganslandt Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Johannes Drepper Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Rainer Röhrig Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Josef Ingenerf Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
dr Kai U. Heitmann Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Sebastian Semler Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Prof. Dr. Markus Löffler Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Christoph Müller Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Alexandr Uciteli Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Holger Stenzhorn Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Julian Sass Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Felix Erdfelder Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Angela Merzweiler Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Norman Freier Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Alexander Helhorn Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Julia Hilpert Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Daniel Tiller Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Jonas Renz Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Andreas Bietenbeck Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Martin Eckert Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Tobias Brieden Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Susanne Beyer Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Martin Boeker Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Susanne Zabka Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Alexander Zautke Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Birger Haarbrandt Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Jori Kern Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Alexander Bartschke Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Eugenia Rinaldi Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Caroline Stellmach Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Prof. Dr. Gunter Haroske Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Hassan Sami Adnan Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Thomas Haese Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Noemi Deppenwiese Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Martin Schöbel Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Sally Lucie Brose Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Prof. Dr. Frederick Klauschen Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Rüdiger Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Thimo Hölter Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Steffen Sander Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Martin Bartow Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Larissa Röhrig Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Clemens Scherer Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Miriam Hübner Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Lily Wissing Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Berke Enes Dincel Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Larissa Neumann Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Carina Vorisek Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Naveen Moses Raj Rajkumar Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Sophie Klopfenstein Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Ilja Wagner Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Florian Ulbrich Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Gustav Vella Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Stefanie Rudolph Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Maria Uebe Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Anna Trelinska-Finger Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Berkay Özdin Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Michael Muzoora Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Cscherer Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Lucas Scherer Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Tobias Hartz Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Uwe Lührig Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Frederik Voigt Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Jonas Gassenschmidt Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Aurelie Tomczak Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Alina Rehberg Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Anna Rasokat Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Vincent van Pelt Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
Alexa Iancu Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author Not visibleThis info is only visible to this author and any decor-admin author
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ART-DECOR Applications (ADA)