Id2.16.756. Date2018‑04‑18
Statusactive ActiveVersion Label2017
Namecdach_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomDisplay NameOrganization Compilation with id, name, addr and telecom
Reusable template wherever an organization with required id, name, address and communication means is used in a CDA-CH V2 document. CDA-CH V2 derivatives, i.e. Swiss exchange formats MAY use this template by either reference or specialisation.
LabelCDA‑CH V2
ClassificationTemplate type not specified
Open/ClosedOpen (other than defined elements are allowed)
Associated with
Associated with 4 concepts
IdNameData Set
hl7chcda-dataelement-73draft organisationName draft CDA-CH V2 2017
hl7chcda-dataelement-74draft organisationNameAddOn1 draft CDA-CH V2 2017
hl7chcda-dataelement-75draft organisationNameAddOn2 draft CDA-CH V2 2017
hl7chcda-dataelement-77draft addressInformation draft CDA-CH V2 2017
Used by / Uses
Used by 3 transactions and 11 templates, Uses 1 template
Used by as NameVersion
2.16.756. CDA-CH - NonXMLBody (2020)2017‑11‑10 09:44:03
2.16.756. CDA-CH - StructuredBody Enhanced (2018)2018‑02‑12 17:54:58
2.16.756. CDA-CH - StructuredBody (2020)2017‑11‑10 09:35:28
2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody (2017)2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.1 - structuredBody (2020)2019‑10‑17 15:22:41
2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.0 - nonXMLBody (2017)2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.0 - structuredBody enhanced (2018)2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Health Service - documentationOf (2017)2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Health Service - documentationOf (2019)2019‑01‑01 20:53:33
2.16.756. Performer (2017)2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Performer (2020)2018‑12‑24 19:51:04
2.16.756. Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (2017)2018‑04‑18
2.16.756. Assigned Entity Compilation with id, name, addr, telecom, person and organization (2020)2019‑10‑24 16:38:14
2.16.756. CDA-CH v2.0 Header Template Compilation (2017)2018‑04‑18
Uses as NameVersion
2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (2022)DYNAMIC
RelationshipSpecialization: template 2.16.756. Organization Compilation with name, addr, telecom (DYNAMIC)
<id root="2.999" extension="432ohjb"/><name>Fuchsbau Medical Services AG</name><telecom value="tel:+41.99.888.77.66" use="WP"/><telecom value="" use="WP"/><telecom value="" use="WP"/><addr>
  <streetName>Specimengasse</streetName>  <houseNumber>99</houseNumber>  <city>Musterhausen</city>  <postalCode>9999</postalCode>  <country>CH</country></addr>
II1 … *RThe organization's id.CDA‑CH V2
uid1 … 1RThe OID of the system that issued the id. OIDs of code systems, which are published in a public OID registry are REQUIRED. Others are NOT ALLOWED.
st0 … 1 Contains the ID itself. The ID MUST be unique within the system that issued the ID.
ON1 … *RThe organization's name.CDA‑CH V2
hl7chcda-dataelement-73draft organisationName draft CDA-CH V2 2017
hl7chcda-dataelement-74draft organisationNameAddOn1 draft CDA-CH V2 2017
hl7chcda-dataelement-75draft organisationNameAddOn2 draft CDA-CH V2 2017
TEL1 … *RThe organization's means of communication (phone, eMail, ...).CDA‑CH V2
AD1 … *RThe organization's address.
Contains 2.16.756. Address Information Compilation - eCH-0010 (DYNAMIC)
hl7chcda-dataelement-77draft addressInformation draft CDA-CH V2 2017