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(Value Sets (in Terminology))
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Exercise valuesets 2:
Exercise valuesets 2:
## Add first value
# Add first value
### Check that the source/bron is SNOMED, click Select to activate it, this will show a popup which the search window for the codesystem.
## Check that the source/bron is SNOMED, click Select to activate it, this will show a popup which the search window for the codesystem.
### Enter search term: bloedgroep
## Enter search term: bloedgroep
### SNOMED codes may be added one by one to the valueset. Select one from the search results and 'toevoegen aan waardelijst'/'Add to valueset'
## SNOMED codes may be added one by one to the valueset. Select one from the search results and 'toevoegen aan waardelijst'/'Add to valueset'
### Click button: Close
## Click button: Close
### Store the new valueset by clicking 'save'
## Store the new valueset by clicking 'save'
Exercise valuesets 3:
Exercise valuesets 3:
## We will manually edit the valueset we just created and add a code manually
# We will manually edit the valueset we just created and add a code manually
### Add manual data by clicking on the + to the left of Values to create a new code line. Fill in a Level en select a Type L. Also fill in a code (required) and a Display name (required).
## Add manual data by clicking on the + to the left of Values to create a new code line. Fill in a Level en select a Type L. Also fill in a code (required) and a Display name (required).
## Save the value set (When the save button is not clickable you probably did not fill in one of the mandatory fields. Also check if the 'Name' really is only one word and if the Code only contains numbers and dots.)
## Save the value set (When the save button is not clickable you probably did not fill in one of the mandatory fields. Also check if the 'Name' really is only one word and if the Code only contains numbers and dots.)

Revision as of 06:24, 3 July 2020


This is a testscenario for ART-DECOR information standards. During the test an ART-DECOR project is recreated, based on the demo5 project from ART-DECOR examples (see see [[1]] or [[2]]). Note that some content such as ZIBs/HCIM are only used in a Dutch context.

To execute the scenario, you need the following user accounts:

  1. A general author account
  2. Access to the project as an author: https://decor.nictiz.nl/art-decor/decor-project--snictiz-

Note that a lot of steps described below require saving after edit.

Steps to perform for this scenario

Start with clean setup

Delete the contents (only datasets/scenarios/terminology/issues/templates) of the project if it already exists.

This can be done only by having low level access with admin rights to the underlying eXist database: Delete the collection the project's data resides in. For this test project: /db/apps/decor/data/projects/test

Project tab

General tab / Algemeen

Exercise project 1:

  1. Login as project author
  2. Add or change the description of the project

Exercise project 2:

  1. Add building block repositories with prefixes 'ad1bbr-' & 'ad2bbr-' by clicking on the + next to 'Repository references'. Note that this action can only be performed by a 'decor-admin'
  2. Check that building block repository 'zib2017bbr-' is added, or add it yourself

Copyright tab

Exercise project 3:

  1. Add a Contributer by clicking the +.
  2. Enter name and contact information.
  3. Add a logo from your computer by clicking on add and then browse.
  4. Enter the correct Copyright years. Examples are: 2012-2016, 2012-

Authors tab

Exercise project 4:

  1. Add an author by clicking on the +.

Governance Groups tab

For more information: Dealing with governance groups. Exercise project 5:

  1. Make the project member of a governance group (e.g. Nictiz) by clicking on the + to the left of the governance group name.


Login as project author. For this section, click on the Datasets menu (in the top menu bar).

Basic dataset changes

Use the "Datasets/Datasets" tab. On this page the metadata for all datasets in the project can be managed. Documentation: ART_Dataset_Editor#Setting_dataset_attributes

Make some basic changes to the test dataset: Exercise dataset 1:

  1. Select a dataset
  2. Add a version label
  3. Fill in a dataset description
  4. Save

Add concepts

For more information check the Dataset editor manual.

Exercise dataset 2: Use the "Concepts Test dataset" tab. Recreate the concept "Person" (and underlying concepts) from the demo5 project dataset, see [[3]]

  1. First check al the child concepts of 'Person'. For each concept, have a look at the Value/type, Waarde/Soort.
  1. Add the Person concept by clicking on the +
  2. Enter Description, Source, Rationale, Operationalization, Comment.
  3. For each concept:
    1. Select the right kind of type (group or item)
    2. Add a name for the concept.
    3. At 'Value' select the type
    4. Note that we shall use Persoon/Gender at a later stage in this session. Check the value/type for this concept.

Inherit a ZIB group

Exercise dataset 3:

  1. Add a concept group, name 'Patient', filter below on Zorginformatiebouwstenen (ZIB) 2017
  2. Select the concept below
  3. Select the wheel icon on the right, Concept selecteren
  4. Select 'Als overerving'
  5. Save the concept group


For this section, click on the Scenario's menu (in the top menu bar).

Add actors

Use the Actors tab. Exercise scenarios 1:

  1. Add two actors by clicking on the +

Scenarios tab

Use the Scenarios tab. Exercise scenarios 2:

  1. Add a scenario by clicking the + next to Scenarios.
    1. Fill in a name and description for the new scenario
    2. Save
  2. Open the scenario by clicking on the + left of its name in the tree view on the left.
  3. Click on the default group "Group"
  4. Click on the + at the top of the tree view. This will create a new group.
    1. Fill in a name and description for the new group
    2. Save
  5. Select (in turn) in the tree view the transactions of the group (called Initial and Response)
    1. Edit them (by clicking the pencil in top right)
    2. Fill in some data (label, description, change name)

Exercise scenarios 3:

    1. You can add Concepts to the added transaction by clicking on the pencil next to the word 'Concepts'. This pencil is only visible when the Transaction is not in edit mode, so make sure you save the transaction before trying to add concepts.

To add concepts in the transaction you start by selecting a parent group, while that concept group is selected, click next to Card/Conf on an option that applies: All 1..1 R, All 0..1 R, .. Click save and then close the window to go back to the transaction.

    1. Create a transaction for all the 'Person' concepts you added in the dataset.

You can always edit a transaction or transaction group by clicking on it in Scenarios. Then click on the pencil next to the word 'Transaction' to edit. For more information check the Scenario Editor manual

Value Sets (in Terminology)

For this section, click on the Terminology menu (in the top menu bar) and choose Value Sets.

For more information: Value Set Editor manual

Exercise valuesets 1:

  1. Create a new valueset.
    1. Click on the + above the tree view on the left-hand side. A new window opens.
    2. Fill in Version label, Display Name (mandatory) and Name (mandatory). The display name may hold spaces but the Name has to be one word.

Exercise valuesets 2:

  1. Add first value
    1. Check that the source/bron is SNOMED, click Select to activate it, this will show a popup which the search window for the codesystem.
    2. Enter search term: bloedgroep
    3. SNOMED codes may be added one by one to the valueset. Select one from the search results and 'toevoegen aan waardelijst'/'Add to valueset'
    4. Click button: Close
    5. Store the new valueset by clicking 'save'

Exercise valuesets 3:

  1. We will manually edit the valueset we just created and add a code manually
    1. Add manual data by clicking on the + to the left of Values to create a new code line. Fill in a Level en select a Type L. Also fill in a code (required) and a Display name (required).
    2. Save the value set (When the save button is not clickable you probably did not fill in one of the mandatory fields. Also check if the 'Name' really is only one word and if the Code only contains numbers and dots.)

Exercise valuesets 4:

  1. Create a reference
    1. Precondition: repository reference to a bbr project is already present
    2. Usually it will help to open the repository project in a separate browser window and search the valueset first
    3. In the project where you want to add the reference: Click on the "chain" icon above the tree view on the left-hand side
    4. Search for a valueset, and select it to save it to this project

For instance for the zib2017bbr repository, search for 'Allergie'

Exercise valuesets 5:

  1. Check if the valueset 'GeslachtCodelijst'/Gender, is present as a referenced valueset. If not, add it as a referenced valueset to the project.

Terminologiekoppelingen / Terminology associations

Exercise valuesets 6: We will add an association between the person/gender dataset concept, and the GeslachtCodelijst/Gender valueset. This works because the person/gender dataset concept has waarde/value type 'Code'.

  1. Go to Terminology / Terminologiekoppelingen.
  2. Select from the dataset tree the concept person/gender.
  3. Add a waardelijstkoppeling/valueset association by clicking on the right of Waardelijstkoppelingen.
  4. Select the valueset you want to associate the dataset concept with, in this example GeslachtCodelijst.
  5. 'Statische koppeling aanmaken' to create the association with this fixed version of the valueset.
  6. Go back to the dataset to view the dataset concept and associated valueset.

REMARK: To see the newly created value set in the Value Sets screen you have to refresh it!


For this section, click on the Templates menu (in the top menu bar) and choose the Templates menu entry.

For more information: Template editor manual Exercise templates 1:

  1. Create a template by inheritance. Click on the + above the tree view on the left-hand side. A new window opens.
    1. Filter on zorginformatiebouwstenen repository and select a template from that project.
    2. Confirm by 'Selecteren/select'
    3. This will inherit the template into our own project

Exercise templates 2:

  1. Edit a template by selecting it and clicking on the pencil on the right of the name of the template to edit it.
  2. Make a change and save the template


For this section, click on the Issues menu (in the top menu bar).

For more information: Issue manual. Exercise issues 1:

  1. Add an issue by clicking on the flag to the right
    1. Select the correct type (incident, change request, for future consideration, request for information/education)
    2. Fill in a title.
    3. Select the desired priority (Lowest, Low, Normal, High, Highest).
    4. Fill in description
    5. Assign issue to an author
    6. Save