Furuncular myiasis (disorder)
Furuncular myiasis
Furunculous myiasis
Furunculoid myiasis
Furuncular myiasis in humans is caused by two species: the Cayor worm (larvae of the African tumbu fly Cordylobia anthropophaga) and the larvae of the human botfly (Dermatobia hominis). In the case of Cordylobia anthropophaga, the females lay their eggs on damp fabric or on the ground. The larvae penetrate the skin following contact with the ground or with non-ironed contaminated fabric. Infection becomes evident within 10 to 15 days with the formation of a pseudo-furuncle or emergence of a maggot. Infestation is usually localized to the scalp of infected individuals.
Associated morphologyFuruncle
Causative agentOrder Diptera larva
Finding siteHair follicle structure
Pathological processParasitic process
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS B87.0
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified