Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with placement of expandable stent in esophagus (procedure)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with placement of expandable stent in esophagus
oesofagogastroduodenoscopie met plaatsen van uitzetbare stent in oesofagus
endoscopie van bovenste deel van maag-darmkanaal van 'expandable' stent in slokdarm
MethodInspection - action
Procedure site - DirectStomach structure
Using deviceEndoscope
MethodInspection - action
Procedure site - DirectDuodenal structure
Using deviceEndoscope
Direct deviceMetal stent
MethodInsertion - action
Procedure site - IndirectEsophageal structure
Using access deviceEndoscope
MethodInspection - action
Procedure site - DirectEsophageal structure
Using deviceEndoscope
DHD Procedure thesaurus reference set