Abdominal hysterectomy with combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy (procedure)
Abdominal hysterectomy with combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy
abdominale hysterectomie met voorwandplastiek en achterwandplastiek
abdominale uterusextirpatie met anterieure en posterieure colporrafie
abdominale hysterectomie met voor- en achterwandplastiek
abdominale hysterectomie met colporrhaphia anterior en posterior
Direct morphologyProlapse
MethodRepair - action
Procedure site - DirectStructure of posterior wall of vagina
MethodExcision - action
Procedure site - DirectUterine structure
Surgical approachAbdominal approach
Direct morphologyProlapse
MethodRepair - action
Procedure site - DirectStructure of anterior wall of vagina
DHD Procedure thesaurus reference set