Nontraumatic intraparenchymal cerebral hemorrhage (disorder)
Nontraumatic intraparenchymal cerebral hemorrhage
Spontaneous intraparenchymal cerebral hemorrhage
Bleeding into the tissue of the brain not due to a significant external force. Despite the word cerebral this includes all regions of brain tissue, not merely telencephalon.
niet-traumatische intraparenchymale hersenbloeding
niet-traumatische bloeding in cerebraal parenchym
niet-traumatische bloeding in hersenparenchym
niet-traumatische intraparenchymale cerebrale hemorragie
Associated morphologyHemorrhage
Finding siteBrain tissue structure
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS I61.8
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified