Rheumatoid nodule of subcutaneous tissue of bilateral hands (disorder)
Bilateral rheumatoid nodule of subcutaneous tissue of hands
Rheumatoid nodule of subcutaneous tissue of both hands
Rheumatoid nodule of subcutaneous tissue of bilateral hands
reumatoïde nodulus van subcutaan weefsel van beide handen
reumaknobbel van subcutaan weefsel van beide handen
reumatoïde nodulus van subcutis van beide handen
reumatoïde nodulus van onderhuids vet- en bindweefsel van linker en rechter hand
Associated morphologyRheumatoid nodule
Finding siteSubcutaneous tissue structure of right hand
Pathological processAutoimmune process
Associated morphologyRheumatoid nodule
Finding siteSubcutaneous tissue structure of left hand
Pathological processAutoimmune process
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS M06.34
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified