Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ventricle of brain (procedure)
Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ventricle of brain
ventriculoscopische excisie van afwijkend weefsel van ventrikel van hersenen
ventriculoscopische excisie van afwijkend weefsel van hersenventrikel
ventriculoscopische excisie van afwijkend weefsel van ventriculus cerebri
ventriculoscopische excisie van laesie van hersenkamer
Direct morphologyLesion
MethodExtirpation - action
Procedure site - DirectBrain ventricle structure
Using access deviceVentriculoscope, device
Direct morphologyLesion
MethodBiopsy - action
Procedure site - DirectBrain ventricle structure
Using access deviceVentriculoscope, device