Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to transposed jejunum (procedure)
Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to transposed jejunum
Total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y esophagojejunal anastomosis
totale gastrectomie en aanleggen van anastomose tussen oesofagus met getransponeerd jejunum
totale maagresectie en aanleggen van Roux-'en Y'-anastomose tussen slokdarm en jejunum
totale gastrectomie en Roux-'en Y'-oesofagojejunostomie
MethodExcision - action
Procedure site - DirectEntire stomach
MethodAnastomosis - action
Procedure site - DirectEsophageal structure
MethodAnastomosis - action
Procedure site - DirectJejunal structure