Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger, with contracture (disorder)
Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger, with contracture
Dupuytren's disease of palm and finger(s), with contracture
Dupuytren disease of palm and finger, with contracture
ziekte van Dupuytren van handpalm en digitus van hand, exclusief digitus I, met contractuur
ziekte van Dupuytren van palma manus en vinger met contractuur
ziekte van Dupuytren van handpalm en vinger, exclusief duim, met contractuur
Associated morphologyContracture
Finding sitePalmar aponeurosis structure
Associated morphologyContracture
Finding siteStructure of fascia of finger
Associated morphologyFibromatosis
Finding siteStructure of fascia of finger
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS M72.04
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified