Cataract lens fragments in vitreous of right eye due to and following cataract surgery (disorder)
Cataract lens fragments in vitreous of right eye due to and following cataract surgery
Cataract lens fragments in vitreous of right eye as a sequela of cataract surgery
Cataract lens fragments in vitreous of right eye as a late effect of cataract surgery
fragmenten van cataractlens in corpus vitreum van rechter oog door en volgend op cataractoperatie
lensfragmenten in glasachtig lichaam van OD als laat gevolg van cataractoperatie
lensfragmenten in glasachtig lichaam van oculus dexter als laat gevolg van cataractoperatie
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS H59.8
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified