Product containing precisely chlorphenamine maleate 4 milligram and mepyramine maleate 25 milligram and phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 milligram and phenylpropanolamine 50 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (clinical drug)
Chlorpheniramine maleate 4 mg and phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg and phenylpropanolamine 50 mg and pyrilamine maleate 25 mg oral tablet
Chlorphenamine maleate 4 mg and mepyramine maleate 25 mg and phenylephrine hydrochloride 10 mg and phenylpropanolamine 50 mg oral tablet
Has manufactured dose formOral tablet
Has unit of presentationTablet
Has BoSSPyrilamine maleate
Has precise active ingredientPyrilamine maleate
Has presentation strength denominator unitTablet
Has presentation strength numerator unitmg
Has BoSSPhenylpropanolamine
Has precise active ingredientPhenylpropanolamine
Has presentation strength denominator unitTablet
Has presentation strength numerator unitmg
Has BoSSPhenylephrine hydrochloride
Has precise active ingredientPhenylephrine hydrochloride
Has presentation strength denominator unitTablet
Has presentation strength numerator unitmg
Has BoSSChlorpheniramine maleate
Has precise active ingredientChlorpheniramine maleate
Has presentation strength denominator unitTablet
Has presentation strength numerator unitmg