Dilation and curettage of uterus after delivery (procedure)
Dilation and curettage of uterus after delivery
Removal of retained placenta by curettage
Evacuation of retained products of conception by curettage
Evacuation of retained placenta by curettage
Curettage of delivered uterus
Postpartum curettage
Removal of secundines by curettage
dilatatie en curettage van uterus na partus
dilatatie en curettage van baarmoeder na bevalling
dilatatie en curettage van uterus van achtergebleven zwangerschapsproduct na partus
dilatatie en curettage van uterus van achtergebleven placentarest na partus
MethodCurettage - action
Procedure site - DirectEndometrial structure
MethodDilation - action
Procedure site - DirectCervix uteri structure
DHD Procedure thesaurus reference set