Epidermoid plantar cysts caused by human papillomavirus 60 (disorder)
Epidermoid plantar cysts due to HPV 60
Epidermoid plantar cysts due to human papilloma virus 60
Epidermoid plantar cysts caused by HPV 60
Epidermoid plantar cysts caused by human papilloma virus 60
Epidermoid plantar cysts caused by human papillomavirus 60
epidermoïdcyste van voetzool door humaan papillomavirus 60
epitheelcyste van voetzool door humaan papillomavirus 60
atheroomcyste van voetzool door HPV 60
Causative agentHuman papillomavirus
Pathological processInfectious process
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS L72.0
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified