Vaginal hysterectomy with colpo-urethrocystopexy, Pereyra type (procedure)
Vaginal hysterectomy with colpo-urethrocystopexy, Pereyra type
vaginale hysterectomie met colpo-urethrocystopexie volgens Pereyra
baarmoederverwijdering via vagina met colpo-urethrocystopexie volgens Pereyra
vaginale uterusextirpatie met colpo-urethrocystopexie volgens Pereyra
MethodExcision - action
Procedure site - DirectUterine structure
Surgical approachVaginal approach
MethodFixation - action
Procedure site - DirectUrethral structure
Surgical approachVaginal approach
MethodFixation - action
Procedure site - DirectVaginal structure
Surgical approachVaginal approach
MethodFixation - action
Procedure site - DirectUrinary bladder structure
Surgical approachVaginal approach