Fetal diethylstilbestrol syndrome (disorder)
Fetal diethylstilbestrol syndrome
Foetal diethylstilbestrol syndrome
Distilbene embryofetopathy
DES (diethylstilbestrol) syndrome
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) syndrome is a set of signs reported in offspring (children and grandchildren) of women exposed to DES during pregnancy with manifestations of reproductive tract malformations, decreased fertility and increased risk of developing clear cell carcinoma of the vagina and cervix in young women. Reproductive malformations reported in DES syndrome include small, T-shaped uteri and other uterotubal anomalies that increase the risk of miscarriages in women and epididymal cysts, microphallus, cryptorchidism, or testicular hypoplasia in men.
DES-syndroom bij foetus
foetaal syndroom door di-ethylstilbestrol
di-ethylstilbestrolsyndroom bij foetus
foetaal di-ethylstilbestrolsyndroom
Associated morphologyMorphologically abnormal structure
Causative agentDiethylstilbestrol
OccurrenceFetal period
Pathological processPathological developmental process
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS Q86.8
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified