Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 24 (disorder)
Autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia type 24
A very rare pure form of spastic paraplegia with characteristics of onset in infancy of lower limb spasticity associated with gait disturbances, scissor gait, tiptoe walking, clonus and increased deep tendon reflexes. Mild upper limb involvement may occasionally also be associated.
autosomaal recessieve spastische paraplegie type 24
autosomaal recessieve spastische paraparese type 24
Associated morphologyDegenerative abnormality
Finding siteSpinal cord structure
Clinical courseProgressive
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set
ICD-10 complex map reference set
AdviceALWAYS G11.4
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified