Structure of false pelvis (body structure)
False pelvis
Structure of false pelvis
Pelvis spuria
Greater pelvis
Major pelvis
The false pelvis, also known as the major or greater pelvis, is the expanded portion of the bony pelvis above and in front of the superior pelvic aperture (or pelvic brim). The structure is delimited superiorly by an artificial plane that extends from the symphysis pubis to the superior iliac crests; and inferiorly by the superior pelvic aperture. The structure contains the cavity of the false pelvis, which is bounded on either side by the ilium; and in front it is incomplete, presenting a wide interval between the anterior borders of the ilia. It forms the inferior volume of the abdomen proper cavity which includes a number of parts of structures of the intra-abdominal proper e.g. historically the cavity of false pelvis has been described as containing the 'iliac colon' which is a segment of the descending colon within the volume of the false pelvis. Teleologically it supports the intestines by transmitting part of their weight to the anterior wall of the abdomen.
structuur van pelvis major
pelvis major
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