Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with excision of polyp of mucosa of duodenum (procedure)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with excision of polyp of mucosa of duodenum
Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of polyp of mucosa of duodenum
oesofagogastroduodenoscopie met poliepectomie door mucosectomie van duodenum
oesofagogastroduodenoscopie met poliepectomie door mucosectomie van twaalfvingerige darm
MethodInspection - action
Procedure site - DirectDuodenal structure
Using deviceEndoscope
MethodInspection - action
Procedure site - DirectStomach structure
Using deviceEndoscope
MethodInspection - action
Procedure site - DirectEsophageal structure
Using deviceEndoscope
Direct morphologyPolyp
MethodExcision - action
Procedure site - DirectDuodenal mucous membrane structure
Using access deviceGastrointestinal endoscope
DHD Procedure thesaurus reference set